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One-stop solution to add caching to any R expression, for example from within a function. See the examples.


  pkg_versioned = TRUE,
  use_cache = TRUE,
  max_cache_age = "1 day"



Expression to cache.


Package name. A character scalar.


Name of the function that expr is cached from, i.e. the name of the function that with_cache() is called from. A character scalar.


Arguments received by from_fn on which the caching should depend. This is fundamental to determine whether expr was already cached or not. The arguments must be specified unnamed (see examples). Dynamic dots are supported.


Whether or not to make the caching dependent on the version number of pkg. If FALSE, caching is agnostic about pkg's version number. Otherwise, a separate user-cache pins board is created each time pkg's version number changes (e.g. after an upgrade), ensuring to never return cached results from a different (old) package version, irrespective of max_cache_age.


Whether or not to return cached results if possible. If FALSE, results are always newly fetched regardless of max_cache_age.


Duration after which cached results are refreshed (i.e. newly fetched). A valid lubridate duration. Use Inf to disable cache expiry. Only relevant if use_cache = TRUE.


The result of evaluating expr, from cache if use_cache = TRUE and a cached result exists that hasn't exceeded max_cache_age.


expr is evaluated in the environment that with_cache() is called from.

See hash_fn_call() for details about how the pin name is constructed that uniquely identifies expr in the pkg's user-cache pins board.

See also

Other high-level functions: cachely()


# if the fn below would be part of a real package, we could instead define `this_pkg` globally
# using `this_pkg <- utils::packageName()`; instead, we now cache to pkgpins's cache (which
# itself never uses the cache)
this_pkg <- "pkgpins"

# let's define a fn that returns R pkg sys deps, cached
pkg_sys_deps <- function(pkg,
                         os = "ubuntu",
                         os_version = "24.04",
                         use_cache = TRUE,
                         max_cache_age = "6h") {
    expr = purrr::list_flatten(jsonlite::fromJSON(
      txt = glue::glue("",
      simplifyVector = FALSE
    pkg = this_pkg,
    from_fn = "pkg_sys_deps",
    use_cache = use_cache,
    max_cache_age = max_cache_age

# now get the sys deps for git2r for the first time (populating the cache)
#> $requirements
#> $requirements$name
#> [1] "git2r"
#> $requirements$requirements
#> $requirements$requirements$packages
#> $requirements$requirements$packages[[1]]
#> [1] "libgit2-dev"
#> $requirements$requirements$install_scripts
#> $requirements$requirements$install_scripts[[1]]
#> [1] "apt-get install -y libgit2-dev"

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# for the `max_cache_age` (we've set a default of 6h), the cached result will be returned
# (as long as `use_cache = TRUE`):
bench::mark("with cache" = pkg_sys_deps("git2r"),
            "without cache" = pkg_sys_deps("git2r", use_cache = FALSE),
            iterations = 10,
            relative = TRUE)} # }

# purge cache from the above example
pkgpins::board(pkg = "pkgpins") |> pkgpins::purge_cache()